Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Vendor of the Week--Cool Cow Corner Farm

This week’s featured vendor:

Cool Cow Corner Farm
Tim & Nick Akins
2148 County D South Wayne, WI 53587
608-558-0661 (Tim) or 608-558-7503 (Nick)
Email: akins@wekz.net

South Wayne, Wisconsin, is the home of Cool Cow Corner Farm where the Akins family raises Gelbiveh/Red Angus beef. Gelbiveh, one of the oldest known German cattle breeds, is widely recognized for excellence in growth, muscling and marketability, giving them a lean cut of meat. The Red Angus breed has attained a high level of popularity due to their high grade of meat.

Cool Cow Corner cattle are finished in 20 months assuring high quality, tender cuts of meat. Their cattle are born and raised on the farm allowing Nick and Tim to continually monitor their growth rates and diets. Cool Cow Corner Farm uses no drugs, hormones, or GMO feeds in their animals' diets, so you can be assured of natural, healthy, and superior tasting cuts of meat.

Cool Cow Corner offers a wide variety of meat options. One can purchase individual cuts of meat such as roasts, rib steaks, sirloin, and hamburger. They also offer sampler packets with a variety of different cuts. You can also order a side of beef (or half a side) and receive cuts of your specifications. Besides the frozen meat available at the market, Tim and Nick also grill hamburgers, steak sandwiches, and hot dogs to order at the market so you can try it out for lunch while you shop.

Stop on down to the Monroe Farmers Market on the Square, Saturday from 8am to 1pm, to see what Cool Cow Corners Farm is cooking up!

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